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About Group

About Group

Length and Dimensional Metrology Group implements the definition of the SI unit “meter (m)” and establishes national measurement standards for physical quantities related to linear dimensions, angles, 2D and 3D shapes, composite structures, and long-distance measurements. We are tasked with developing and disseminating equipment technologies as well as measurement standards and technologies in these fields.
Furthermore, in response to the demand for length and dimensional measurements across industries and scientific fields, we are expanding our scope of research to develop timely solutions for future measurement standards and advanced instrument and technologies.

Current R&D Projects

  • 1 Development of next-generation length measurement standards and transceiver optical systems (including adaptive optics) based on femtosecond lasers
  • 2 Establishment of the nation’s top-level angular measurement standards and development of calibration/testing systems
  • 3 Ultra-precision 2D/3D metrology for the national IT industry
  • 4 Long-distance and large-scale measurement technology

Recent R&D Highlights

  • Real-time metrology for the complex 3D structure of semiconductor
  • Establishment of optical microscope-based linewidth measurement standards and overcoming the diffraction limits of microscope (FPM)
  • Development of technology for Time-of-Flight CMOS camera device
  • High-resolution EO/IR camera for UAV
  • Laser-based long-distance measurement technology (light source, optical transceiver systems, and adaptive optics)


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