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a national metrology institute (NMI) of Korea,
will always make the best efforts
for the development of science and technology.
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of the visitors to the KRISS website.
Measurement, units, and standards deeply permeate our daily lives like the air,
even if we are not always conscious of them.
Since its establishment in 1975, serving as the NMI, KRISS has provided a foundation
for the development of science and technology of Korea.
We also have played a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of product
related national key industries, including petrochemicals, semiconductors,
shipbuilding, aviation, and automobiles industries.
Through the provision of calibration and testing services,
as well as technical support for small and medium-sized enterprises,
KRISS has contributed to raising the quality of measurement standards
in national industries to the level of advanced countries.
In the future, KRISS will exert its utmost to become:
· a world-class measurement research institute
· a global leading measurement research institute
· a research institute with the public
· a research institute practicing transparent and ethical management
· a research institute without safety-related accidents
Furthermore, we promise to provide you with the latest information
and useful materials on standards through the KRISS website.
We hope you take an enjoyable journey
into the fascinating world of standards with KRISS.
등록된 퀵메뉴가 없습니다.