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About Group

About Group

Quantum Optics Group conducts research on key elements based on quantum optics technology to implement all layers of quantum information technology.
We cover various aspects such as quantum state generation technologies using single-emitter sources and nonlinear-optics photon-pair sources, quantum information processing technologies based on quantum entanglement networks and quantum computation circuits, and quantum measurement technologies such as quantum metrology. By establishing the infrastructure for photonic quantum information communication, computing, and sensing systems, we hope to play a leading role in future innovative quantum R&D by establishing next-generation quantum measurement standards and contributing to the practical application of quantum technologies.

Current R&D Projects

  • 1 Development of single-photon source based on room/low-temperature single emitters
  • 2 Development of photon-spin quantum interfacing technology
  • 3 Development of heralded single-photon and frequency-entangled-photon sources, based on photon pairs
  • 4 Development of precision measurement technology based on quantum light
  • 5 Research on quantum computing and quantum simulation based on quantum light
  • 6 Research on quantum spectroscopy and quantum imaging using entangled photon pairs

Recent R&D Highlights

  • Demonstration of quantum information processing protocols such as quantum teleportation of shared quantum secret and learning-based qubit measurements
  • Establishment of quantum communication channels using optical fibers in real environments between institutions and buildings
  • Visible-infrared entanglement-based induced-coherence (undetected-photon) tomography
  • Development of quantum metrology theory for measurements of photon number distribution and light absorption efficiency
  • Measurement of second/third-order nonlinearities in 2D materials for quantum optics applications


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