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About Group

About Group

Quantum Electricity and Magnetism Metrology Group is conducting research based on advanced quantum physics measurement technology to establish national standards for fundamental electrical units such as voltage (V), resistance (Ω), and current (A), as well as derived units such as power (W) and energy (Wh). We are focused on developing and disseminating measurement standards and technologies in related fields.
Based on these measurement standards, we provide calibration and part of testing services for national industries, including electricity, electronics, and power.

Current R&D Projects

  • 1 Development of electrical measurement standards and precision measurement technologies using quantum physical phenomena
  • 2 Development of measurement standards and precision measurement technologies in the fields of electrical energy and magnetism

Recent R&D Highlights

  • One of the world’s top institutions in graphene quantum Hall resistance standards (development of graphene quantum Hall devices and providing supply to European measurement institutions)
  • Development of a multifunctional sampling measurement device capable of precise measurements of various electrical quantities and technology transfer to industries
  • Development of a direct current power measurement standard for high-speed electric vehicle chargers
  • Development of precision high-resistance standards in the range of 10 MΩ to 10 GΩ
  • Development of precise magnetic field control technology for magnetic standards (control of magnetic fields with precision of 0.5 nT in a space measuring 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm)
  • Precision verification of single-electron current sources using Josephson voltage and quantum Hall resistance


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