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About Group

About Group

Emerging Material Metrology Group is developing new measurement standards required for advanced material research through the advancement of measurement technology in the field of materials and the identification of new measurement demands.
Based on these measurement technologies, we are conducting research to maximize the performance of materials that serve as the foundation for future innovative projects. Additionally, we are innovating the national measurement standard technology by establishing data-driven measurement technologies and standards in materials and chemistry.

Current R&D Projects

  • 1 Development of real-time measurement technology for composite property based on electron microscopy and data-driven measurement technology
  • 2 Development of measurement technology for multi-scale thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency
  • 3 Development of measurement/performance evaluation technology for next-generation secondary battery
  • 4 Development of evaluation technology of cell and catalyst for anion exchange membrane electrolysis
  • 5 Development of measurement technology for material property in particular environments, including vacuum and plasma

Recent R&D Highlights

  • Development of measurement technology for low-dose (few e-/Å2) atomic resolution TEM imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy
  • Development of material properties, including vapor pressure, thermal stability, phase transition, and real-time measurement technology for contamination in a vacuum environment
  • Development of manufacturing technology for high-performance electrode materials based on organic matters
  • Development of synthesis technology for stable materials based on high-nickel cathode defect analysis for next-generation lithium-ion batteries
  • Development and technology transfer of synthesis/manufacturing methods for oxide-based solid electrolytes with high stability and performance (INNOSY-M, Co., Ltd.)


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