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KRISS Gender Equality Plan

KRISS Gender Equality Plan

Advancing Gender Equality: A Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

At KRISS, we believe gender equality, diversity, and inclusion are essential core values for any research institute aiming to advance science and technology. Our vision is to create an environment where everyone, regardless of gender, is given equal opportunities to excel and achieve their full potential.
Aligned with Korea's Framework Act on Gender Equality and the Equal Employment Opportunity and Work-Family Balance Assistance Act, we have launched several key initiatives to promote gender equality.

First, we recognize the importance of supporting both women and men in advancing their careers while managing family responsibilities.
To address this, we are implementing a range of family-friendly and work-life balance policies, including flexible working hours for childcare and extended parental leave. We are also committed to securing sustainable, long-term funding to maintain these initiatives.

Second, we are committed to ensuring that equal opportunities extend to every aspect of our institute, including research and development, education, and leadership positions. We are dedicated to eliminating career barriers and discrimination, enabling our talented employees to focus on what matters most: their work and research.

Third, to ensure accountability, we have set clear targets for our gender equality plans and will regularly monitor our progress with full transparency. We aspire to not only strengthen Korea's position as a leader in scientific innovation but also set an example in supporting work-life balance for our employees.

These efforts reflect our ongoing commitment to creating a workplace where every member of our institute is valued, respected, and given equal opportunities to succeed.

KRISS hereby confirms the following :
  • We will continue to strengthen our personnel policies and guidelines to create more opportunities for women and support work-life balance
  • We will promote comprehensive training for all employees to foster gender equality and human rights awareness
  • We will track and publicly disclose performance metrics that demonstrate our progress on gender equality initiatives
  • We will secure dedicated funding to ensure the long-term success of our gender equality and family-friendly programs

KRISS Gender Equality Plan_signed KRISS Human Rights Management Charter Guidelines for the Implementation of Human Rights Management


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