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About Group

About Group

Quantum Mass Metrology Group establishes national standards in the fields of mass (kg), force (N), pressure (Pa), torque, volume, density, and gravity. We also conduct research to develop and disseminate measurement technologies related to the above mass and related quantities(MRQ).
Following the redefinition of the international system of units in 2019, we envision providing a measurement foundation for future growth industries, such as semiconductors and biotechnology, by establishing a new MRQ standard based on physical constants. We are currently developing standard technologies not only for mass, force, and torque based on the Planck constant, represented by the Kibble balance, but also for pressure based on the Boltzmann constant. Additionally, we are conducting research on the development of superconducting gravimeters for extreme measurements and tactile sensors applicable to robots for industrial applications.

Current R&D Projects

  • 1 Development of technologies for realization and dissemination of mass based on the Planck constant
  • 2 Development of technologies for realization of micro dynamic standards based on the Planck constant
  • 3 Development of technologies for realization of vacuum pressure standards based on the Boltzmann constant
  • 4 Development of superconducting gravimeter technology
  • 5 Standards maintenance/improvement and calibration/testing services for mass, force, pressure, vacuum, volume, density, and gravity

Recent R&D Highlights

  • Realization of kilogram using the fixed Planck constant value through Kibble balance experiments
  • Participation in international comparisons of the technology for implementing the kilogram with traceability after the unit redefinition
  • Design and hardware manufacturing of micro-kibble balance
  • Improvement of hydraulic control accuracy of 5 MN hydraulic type force standard
  • Establishment of an interferometer for the low vacuum standard based on the Boltzmann constant
  • Research on development of standard impulse pressure gauge
  • Development of core technologies for a superconducting gravimeter based on quantum interference


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