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About Group

About Group

Thermometry and Fluid Flow Metrology Group is dedicated to establishing national measurement standards for temperature (unit K, one of the SI base units), and the derived units related to humidity, moisture, thermal properties (thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal expansion, specific heat), and fluid dynamics (flow rate, flow velocity, viscosity). We conduct research to develop and disseminate measurement standards and technologies in the related fields.
Based on these measurement standard technologies, we engage in research on core measurement technologies regarding climate change, environment, energy, and aerospace, which are essential for the nation and society.

Current R&D Projects

  • 1 Development of measurement standard technologies for thermodynamic temperature and research on international temperature scale
  • 2 Development of measurement standard technologies for humidity and moisture
  • 3 Development of measurement standard technologies for thermal properties(thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal expansion, specific heat)
  • 4 Development of measurement standard technologies for fluid flow (gas flow rate, liquid flow rate, flow velocity, viscosity)
  • 5 Development of fundamental measurement technologies for climate change, energy, and demands of advanced industries

Recent R&D Highlights

  • Outstanding results in international comparisons for standard platinum resistance thermometers (CCT-K9) and the triple point of water (CCT-K7.2021)
  • Securing uncertainty evaluation technology for radiosonde temperature/humidity for high-altitude weather observations using a high-altitude atmospheric simulation system
  • Securing foundational technology for measuring stratospheric water vapor using a dual crystal oscillator
  • Development of measurement technology for thermophysical properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat, density, viscosity) of refrigerants with pressure/temperature control
  • Establishment of the national measurement standard testbed for flow rates of greenhouse gas in the smokestack
  • Development of non-contact flow measurement technology based on infrared absorption for monitoring of semiconductor manufacturing process


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