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번호 논문제목 게재년월 게재지
1 Development of a coulometry system at the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science and evaluation of the measurement uncertainty originating from the system 2023-12-01 METROLOGIA
2 측정불확도의 개념과 GUM 2023-10-20 대한화학지(The Journal of the Korean Chemical Society)
3 APMP-APLAC Joint Proficiency Testing Programs for Elemental Analysis in Food with Metrological Reference Values: Assessment of Participants’ Performance Considering Measurement Uncertainties 2023-04-01 TALANTA
4 Electrochemical Cloud Point Temperature from Thermoamperometry: Real-time Analysis for Phase Transition of Thermoresponsive Polymers 2023-02-07 Analytical Chemistry
5 Solid-Phase Arsenic Speciation Using XANES: Preservation of Arsenic Species for Reliable and Accurate Environmental Risk Assessment 2022-12-21 INT J ENVIRON AN CH
6 Solid-Phase Arsenic Speciation Using XANES: Preservation of Arsenic Species for Reliable and Accurate Environmental Risk Assessment 2022-12-21 INT J ENVIRON AN CH
7 Uncertainty Evaluation in the Characterization of a Reference Material by Double Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ID-ICP-MS) 2022-12-01 METROLOGIA
8 Candidate primary reference measurement procedure for the amount-of-substance content of complexing agent expressed as EDTA based on the coulometric titration with electrogenerated Hg ions 2022-08-19 METROLOGIA
9 True Value, Error, and Measurement Uncertainty: Two Views 2022-07-05 ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE
10 Development and co-validation of a certified reference material (NMIJ CRM 7204-a) for the analysis of trace elements in seawater sample 2022-02-15 BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN
11 Effect of cation complexation of hindered phenol antioxidants on their fragmentation in electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry 2021-12-31 Mass Spectrometry letters
12 Certification of Ca, Mg, and K in Human Plasma Reference Material by Isotope Dilution Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry 2021-12-20 BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
13 Assessment of radiological hazards and chemical composition of cement produced in South Korea 2021-10-01 JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
14 Traceable quantitative analysis of AgxCu1-x alloy films by ID ICP-MS, RBS and MEIS 2021-09-21 METROLOGIA
15 Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Oxygen Affinity-Associated Structural Changes in Hemoglobin 2021-08-31 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY
16 Key comparison study on protein quantification:purity-assessed recombinant protein contents inbuffer solution using insulin analogue 2021-01-28 METROLOGIA Tech. Suppl
17 Probing drug delivery and mechanisms of action in 3D spheroid cells by quantitative analysis 2020-12-07 ANALYST
18 Application of k0-INAA Method in Preliminary Characterization of KRISS Urban Airborne Particulate Matter Certified Reference Material 2020-10-01 Applied Sciences
19 Chemical Composition of Asian Dust in Daejeon, Korea during the Spring Season 2020-08-20 ACS Earth and Space Chemistry
20 Reproducibility of Crude Oil Spectra Obtained with Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry 2020-07-21 Analytical Chemistry
21 Effect of ultrasonic microdroplet generation in the low-temperature plasma ionization-mass spectrometry 2019-12-31 Mass Spectrometry letters
22 Vibronic structure and predissociation dynamics of 2-methoxythiophenol (S1): The effect of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on nonadiabatic dynamics 2019-12-28 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
23 Application of the INAA methods for KRISS infant formula CRM analysis: standardization of INAA at KRISS 2019-12-01 JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
24 A quantitative evaluation of oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution reaction contributions to Pb corrosion 2019-10-01 JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
25 Development of a Nutritional Supplement Certified Reference Material for Elemental Analysis 2018-12-30 Mass Spectrometry letters
26 Transient metal-centered states mediate isomerization of a photochromic ruthenium-sulfoxide complex 2018-05-18 Nature Communications
27 Structural Characterization of Small Molecular Ions by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry in Nitrogen Drift Gas: Improving the Accuracy of Trajectory Method Calculations 2018-04-21 ANALYST
28 Basics of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry 2017-12-30 Mass Spectrometry letters
29 Collision Cross Sections and Ion Structures: Development of a General Calculation Method via High-quality Ion Mobility Measurements and Theoretical Modeling 2017-11-21 ANALYST
30 Fast Screening of Harmful Disinfectants in Household Products via Low-Temperature Plasma Ionization-Mass Spectrometry 2017-06-30 Mass Spectrometry letters
31 Development of a certified reference material (NMIJ CRM 7203-a) for elemental analysis of tap water 2017-03-10 ANAL SCI
32 Asia-Pacific Metrology Program (APMP) and Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) joint proficiency testing with metrological reference values for hazardous elements in cabbage 2016-12-01 TRAC-TREND ANAL CHEM
33 Development of exact matrix matching inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy for the analysis of Cu and K in infant formula 2016-08-20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
34 Electronic and Molecular Structure of the Transient Radical Photocatalyst Mn(CO)5 and Its Parent Compound Mn2 (CO)10 2016-06-20 INORG CHEM
35 Time-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy in the Water Window: Elucidating Transient Valence Charge Distributions in an Aqueous Fe(II) Complex 2016-02-04 J PHYS CHEM LETT
36 Development of an ID ICP-MS reference method for the determination of Cd, Hg and Pb in a cosmetic powder certified reference material 2016-01-28 ANAL METHODS-UK
37 Peltier Heating-Assisted Low Temperature Plasma Ionization for Ambient Mass Spectrometry 2015-09-30 Mass Spectrometry letters
38 Sulfur-based absolute quantification of proteins using isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 2015-08-19 METROLOGIA
39 Overcoming Spectral Interferences in the Determination of Cadmium in Various Food Materials Using Isotope Dilution Inductively-coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry 2015-03-20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society

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