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Photo Gallery CRMs(Certified Reference Materials)
KRISS quality systems meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. It maintains state-of-the art laboratories to deliver accurate and reliable measurement services, covering:
KRISS generally provides measurement services for primary standards from overseas national metrology institutes (NMIs), but non-NMIs organizations can also apply for measurement services with an endorsement email or letter by their NMIs (click here to view the sample letter). The NMIs (or non-NMIs) who want to calibrate their equipment are suggested first to check the relevant KRISS service items at the BIPM KCDB website (https://www.bipm.org/kcdb/) along with its CMC information.
All the measurement service requests should be made by appropriately filling out the form of ‘Quotation Request form for Measurement Service’(click here) Calibration and testing at KRISS usually take approximately 8 ~ 12 weeks to complete after the receipt of equipment, excluding packing and shipping time. However, it may vary depending on the scope of requested services.
After agreement with KRISS on all contents of the quotation, customers should send the equipment to be calibrated through a freight forwarder. Please note that customers are liable to find appropriate freight forwarders and to negotiate deliver terms and conditions with them.
Delivery terms follow Incoterms 2020.
* Incoterms 2020 - Rules and chart(click here to view the Rules and chart)
The equipment addressed to KRISS should be sent under the terms of DAP (Delivered at Place), Incheon Airport, Rep. of Korea and then shipping documents such as AWB (Air Way Bill) and invoice & packing list have to be notified to KRISS by email (service@kriss.re.kr).
After the equipment is arrived at Incheon Airport, a KRISS designated house forwarder will go through customs clearance and pick up the equipment for delivery to KRISS.
Once the equipment is arrived at KRISS, it will be notified to the customer.
Customers are not allowed to visit directly to KRISS with their equipment for the request of measurement services. KRISS is exempted from all taxes for export and import clearance through Korean Incheon Customs Office by Korean Government. However, it is very important to notice that import and export of customers’ equipment must be declared and reported by KRISS to the Customs Office for tax exemption. Without prior report, a great amount of tax may be imposed to KRISS and there were such cases in the past.
Measurement and Training Services Group
Division of Technology Services
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)
267 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34113
Rep. of Korea
(Attn. Mr. Jongseon Park)
Phone : +82 42 868 5409
Fax : +82 42 868 5556
Email : service@kriss.re.kr
Bank transfer is only accepted for the payment of measurement services. An invoice with banking information will be sent to customers for their payment after measurement services. Please be sure that a copy of bank transaction should be submitted to KRISS by email (service@kriss.re.kr) or fax (+82 42 868 5556) for confirmation of the payment
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