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KRISS News & Events

KRISS Attends the 2024 APMP GA

  • Writerkrissadmin5
  • Date2024-12-06 00:00
  • Hits95

KRISS Attends the 2024 APMP GA

Group photo at the 2024 APMP GA

A delegation from KRISS, led by President Ho Seong Lee, attended the 2024 APMP* GA** to discuss and make decisions on metrology-related issues in the Asia-Pacific region. The 2024 APMP GA was held from November 22 (Friday) to 29 (Friday) at the CSIR-NPLI*** in New Delhi, India. The event was conducted in a hybrid format, with some KRISS attendees participating online.


 * APMP (Asia Pacific Metrology Programme): Asia-Pacific Metrology Cooperation Organization

 ** GA: General Assembly

 *** CSIR-NPLI (Council of Scientific and Industrial ResearchNational Physical Laboratory): India’s National Metrology Institute


From November 22 to 26, the first half of the meeting hosted various workshops and meetings, including those of the Technical Committees (TC), Focus Groups (FG), and Developing Economies Committee (DEC). In the latter half, from November 27 to 29, the APMP NMI Heads Workshop, symposiums, and the General Assembly were held.


During the APMP NMI Directors’ Workshop on the morning of November 27 (Wednesday), Dr. Woong Kang, Head of the Thermometry and Fluid Flow Metrology Group at KRISS, gave a presentation on the “Development of Hydrogen Field Test Standard for HRS in Korea.” Dr. Kang introduced outstanding research results, including the development of an on-site calibration system for hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) that enables direct measurement. He also shared insights into the collaboration with the government for legislative changes to enable field measurements, leaving a strong impression on the attendees.

Dr. Woong Kang presenting at the APMP NMI Directors’ Workshop

In the afternoon of the same day, an APMP Symposium was held on the topic “Metrology for Quantum Technologies.” The event was attended by key figures, including the heads of various NMIs, the APMP chair, the Minister of the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology, and the head of CSIR. At the invitation of the NPLI Director, President Ho Seong Lee of KRISS presented “Pioneering Quantum Tech Research at KRISS: Achievements & Roadmap.”


During his presentation, Dr. Lee highlighted KRISS's organizational structure and research areas in quantum technology, including the Quantum Technology Institute and the Center for Superconducting Quantum Computing Systems. Particularly noteworthy among the points Dr. Lee discussed was KRISS's initiative to develop its own superconducting quantum computing system within the NMI, as well as the scale of KRISS's quantum technology R&D personnel and budget, and the personnel development programs in collaboration with KAIST, which caught the attention of the attendees.

President Ho Seong Lee presenting KRISS research achievements at the APMP Symposium

At this year’s General Assembly, key agenda items discussed included: the election of the new APMP Chairperson and Executive Committee (EC) members, the election of TC/FG and DEC Chairs, the APMP financial report and discussions on its legal status, the selection of the host country for the 2026 Mid-year Meeting, and amendments to the APMP MoU.


The new APMP Chairperson elected is Dr. Gregory Goh, the current APMP Treasurer and EC member, and Director of Singapore's NMC A*STAR. Additionally, at the conclusion of this GA, Dr. Yong Tae Kim of the Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration Metrology Group (TCAUV)* and Dr. Byungjoo Kim of the Organic Metrology Group (TCQM)** successfully completed their 3-year terms as Chairs of TCAUV and TCQM, respectively. The incoming Chairs expressed their deep appreciation for their hard work and contributions.


 * TCAUV: TC Acoustics, Ultrasound, and Vibration

 ** TCQM: TC Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemistry and Biology

Scene from the APMP GA

Meanwhile, during the 2024 APMP General Assembly, KRISS also held MoU renewal signing ceremonies with CMS-ITRI* from Taiwan and SNSU-BSN** from Indonesia. The heads of both institutions exchanged signed MoUs, agreeing to further strengthen the long-standing cooperation between the two organizations in various forms.


* CMS-ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute/Center for Measurement Standards): Taiwan's NMI covering fields such as acoustics, ultrasound, vibration, electromagnetics, length, mass, photometry, temperature, and chemical measurements

** SNSU-BSN (Directorate for National Measurement Standards of Mechanics, Radiation, and Biology and Directorate for National Measurement Standards of Thermoelectric and Chemistry, National Standardization Agency of Indonesia): Indonesia's National Metrology Institute (NMI).

Renewal of the MoU with Taiwan’s CMS-ITRI (left), Renewal of the MoU with Indonesia’s SNSU-BSN (right)

The 2025 APMP General Assembly will be hosted by KRISS in Songdo, Incheon. This will be the first time since the 2014 APMP GA in Daejeon, marking 11 years since the last event in Korea. As 2025 is a significant year, commemorating both KRISS’s 50th anniversary and the 150th anniversary of the Meter Convention, KRISS has formed a task force to prepare for the APMP GA 2025. Through the successful hosting of APMP GA 2025, KRISS aims to further elevate its position within the global metrology community.


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