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KRISS and NIST Delegations Attended the 11th ROK-U.S. Joint Committee Meeting on S&T

  • Writerkrissadmin5
  • Date2023-05-24 10:00
  • Hits414

KRISS and NIST Delegations Attended the 11th ROK-U.S. Joint Committee Meeting 

on Science and Technology

▲ NIST delegation visited KRISS.

On May 18, 2023, a delegation led by Dr. James Olthoff(Chief Metrologist) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the United States visited the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS). NIST, a National Metrology Institute (NMI) of the United States, has engaged in collaborative research and reciprocal visits with KRISS since signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in September 1994.


The KRISS and NIST delegations engaged in detailed and positive discussions, starting with an introduction of each institution's current status and key issues. They explored existing collaborative areas and sought new opportunities in the fields such as semiconductors and quantum technology. Following the discussion on collaborative initiatives, the NIST delegation had the opportunity to visit KRISS laboratories and examine equipment, facilitating meaningful exchanges of various questions and opinions with the KRISS delegation.


▲ The 11th ROK-U.S. Joint Committee Meeting was held to strengthen partnership between the two countries.

The next day, on May 19, the KRISS delegation led by President Hyun-min Park and the NIST delegation attended the 11th ROK-U.S. Joint Committee Meeting on Science and Technology* at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Seoul. This meeting marked the first face-to-face gathering in seven years since the 9th meeting in March 2016, and it was the third participation for KRISS following its involvement in 2014 and 2016.


* The ROK-U.S. Joint Committee Meeting on Science and Technology: It is a regular government-level meeting convened under the “ROK-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement” signed in March 1976. Beginning its first meeting in December 1993, these meetings have been a platform for discussing various measures aimed at enhancing scientific and technological collaboration between the two countries.


The meeting covered discussions on priority areas for scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries. They shared policies related to next-generation semiconductors, nuclear fusion/physics, artificial intelligence (AI), and bio-related fields as well as discussed measures to strengthen international cooperation in essential aspects such as personnel exchange, research ethics, and standards. Furthermore, they explored solutions to global issues, including climate change and polar/marine, through the application of science and technology.


In the session on enhancing global scientific and technological cooperation, President Hyun-min Park gave a presentation on the history of collaboration between KRISS and NIST since its inception and proposed expanding existing research collaboration in six areas: 5G/6G communication standards, gas measurement standards, bio measurement standards, nanomaterial safety standards, material data standards, and next-generation mass standards (Kibble balance). Dr. James Olthoff from NIST spoke about the long-standing relationship with KRISS, which has continued for nearly 50 years, and introduced the expected positive outcomes of the collaboration initiatives mentioned by President Park. He also expressed NIST's commitment to continuous collaboration with excellent researchers of KRISS so that its global partners in the field of measurement standards can contribute to the advancement of all the industries and technologies.


During the ROK-U.S. Summit on April 26, the two national leaders reached an agreement to establish the "Next Generation Critical and Emerging Technologies Dialogue." They pledged to strengthen cooperation in fields such as biotechnology and biomanufacturing, battery and energy technology, semiconductors, digital economy, and quantum information science and technology. In addition, the Biden administration announced its national standard strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies (CET) in eight areas, including semiconductors, quantum, batteries, and AI, on May 4.


These CET areas closely relate to the research collaboration topics discussed between KRISS and NIST. As the NMIs, both institutes plan to expand their cooperation in the relevant fields to play a pivotal role in advancing scientific and technological development in both countries. We aim to further foster the bilateral collaboration with NIST in the future.


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