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KRISS News & Events

Ecuador’s Undersecretary of Quality Visits KRISS

  • Writerkrissadmin
  • Date2022-10-13 00:00
  • Hits688

Ecuador’s Undersecretary of Quality Visits KRISS


On October 5, Ecuador’s MPCEIP undersecretary of quality and delegates visited KRISS.

* MPCEIP: Ministry of Production, Foreign trade, investment and Fisheries


The visit was part of a training program organized by the Korea Association of Standards and Testing Organizations (KASTO) for management-level employees in legal metrology, and the delegates included the MPCEIP undersecretary of quality and director of the Ecuadorian Standards Institute (INEN).


Ecuador manages legal metrology under the National Quality Act, but lacks a formal approval/validation system, and a majority of measuring instruments are imported. Many civil complaints are received concerning electricity and gas as suppliers conduct self-assessments of quality. This has highlighted the need to establish and maintain national measurement standards.


In his welcome address, President Hyun-Min Park said, “Measurement standards and measurement science will play increasingly important roles as we head towards a sustainable future. I hope this visit has solidified the foundation for collaboration in measurement standards.”

▲ President Hyun-Min Park welcomes the guests.


Mauricio Rodríguez Estrada, the undersecretary of quality at MPCEIP, said, “The delegates are key personnel responsible for maintaining Ecuador’s industrial quality. We are eager to learn.”


Ralph Riad Assaf Nader, the director of INEN, said, “It is more meaningful that our visit falls on October 5, which marks the 60th anniversary of Korea-Ecuador diplomatic ties. I hope to see more active exchange between the two countries.”


▲ Mauricio Rodríguez Estrada, MPCEIP undersecretary of quality, makes a statement.


Joo Keun Park, head of the Measurement and Training Services Group, gave an introduction of KRISS. The delegates gained a better understanding of KRISS’ history, status of international cooperation, and measurement services. This was followed by an exchange of gifts between the two countries. 


▲ Joo Keun Park, head of the Measurement and Training Services Group, gives an introduction of KRISS.


▲ (From left) Mauricio Rodríguez Estrada, MPCEIP Undersecretary of Quality; Hyun-Min Park, president of KRISS; Ralph Riad Assaf Nader, director of INEN


Lastly, the Ecuadorian delegates were given a lab tour by principal researchers Dongmin Kim, Dai-Hyuk Yu, and In Jung Kim.


▲ KRISS lab tour


On September 20–21, INEN personnel visited KRISS to learn about the national quality system, humidity, electricity, and quality management system as part of the legal metrology expert training program.


The next training session in November will cover KRISS’ quality system, ISO/IEC 17034:2016, and moisture meter calibration.


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