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KRISS News & Events

KRISS held the 11th KRISS-NIM Summit

  • Writerkrissadmin
  • Date2018-05-10 00:00
  • Hits263

KRISS held the 11th KRISS-NIM Summit


A delegation of National Institute of Metrology of China (NIM) has visited Jeju from May 9 to 12 to attend the 11th KRISS-NIM Summit.


On May 10, the two organizations held the meeting to discussed substantial technical collaborations in the fields of mutual interest, including quantum technologies, advanced equipment, and the promotion activities on the SI redefinition.

On the following day, the two delegations visited the Jeju Global Research Center of the Korea Institute of Energy Research to see the status of R&D on land and marine energy.


Since 2008, the two institutes have held the summits each year to hear the status of both organizations and seek practical cooperation.


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