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No Title Date Journal
1 Chemical analysis of isotopically labeled molecule using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy at 34 ?T 2023-10-10 ACS Omega
2 Atomic scale interface engineering for realizing a perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB-based skyrmion hosting material 2023-06-05 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
3 Dynamics of Weak Magnetic Coupling by X-ray Ferromagnetic Resonance 2023-05-07 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
4 Magnetic Skyrmion Transistor gated with Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy 2023-03-02 ADVANCED MATERIALS
5 Electrical Manipulation of O Ion Migrations for the Voltage-Controlled Adjustment of Magnetic Anisotropy and Optimized Skyrmion Generations 2022-12-01 Advanced Electronic Materials
6 Electrical Manipulation of O Ion Migrations for the Voltage-Controlled Adjustment of Magnetic Anisotropy and Optimized Skyrmion Generations 2022-12-01 Advanced Electronic Materials
7 Hyperpolarized 29Si magnetic resonance spectroscopy of selectively radical-embedded silica nanoparticles 2022-11-12 ANALYST
8 An Alternative understating of the skyrmion Hall effect based on one-dimensional domain wall motion 2022-11-09 Applied Physics Express
9 An Alternative understating of the skyrmion Hall effect based on one-dimensional domain wall motion 2022-11-09 Applied Physics Express
10 Magnetic Field Magnitudes needed for Skyrmion Generation in a General Perpendicularly Magnetized Film. 2022-10-25 NANO LETTERS
11 Magnetic Field Magnitudes needed for Skyrmion Generation in a General Perpendicularly Magnetized Film. 2022-10-25 NANO LETTERS
12 Universal hopping motion protected by structural topology 2022-10-06 ADVANCED MATERIALS
13 Universal hopping motion protected by structural topology 2022-10-06 ADVANCED MATERIALS
14 Field-free Switching of Magnetization by Tilting the Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy of Gd/Co Multilayers 2022-06-24 ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
15 Optical Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of 13C Spins in Diamond at a Low Field with Multi-Tone Microwave Irradiation 2022-03-04 MOLECULES
16 Multiplexed sensing of magnetic field and temperature in real time using a nitrogen vacancy ensemble in diamond 2022-01-07 Physical Review Applied
17 Integrated neuromorphic computing networks by artificial spin synapses and spin neurons 2021-12-01 NPG ASIA MATER
18 Universality of stripe domain width change by an in-plane magnetic field 2021-12-01 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
19 Universal method for magnetic skyrmion bubble generation by controlling the stripe domain instability 2021-12-01 NPG ASIA MATER
20 Universality of stripe domain width change by an in-plane magnetic field 2021-12-01 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
21 Universal method for magnetic skyrmion bubble generation by controlling the stripe domain instability 2021-12-01 NPG ASIA MATER
22 29Si Isotope-Enriched Silicon Nanoparticles for Efficient Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Imaging Probe 2021-11-18 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
23 Reversible magnetic spiral domain 2021-10-26 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
24 Reversible magnetic spiral domain 2021-10-26 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
25 마크로스핀의 스위칭 페이즈 다이아그램을 한번에 구하는 방법 2021-10-20 한국자기학회지
26 Electrical generation and deletion of magnetic skyrmions via vertical current injection and its application to skyrmion racetrack memory 2021-09-27 ADVANCED MATERIALS
27 Electrical generation and deletion of magnetic skyrmions via vertical current injection and its application to skyrmion racetrack memory 2021-09-27 ADVANCED MATERIALS
28 Programable dynamics of exchange-biased domain wall via spin-current-induced antiferromagnet switching 2021-07-15 ADVANCED SCIENCE
29 Ultralow-current magnetization switching in nearly compensated synthetic antiferromagnetic frames using sandwiched spin sources 2021-04-02 ACTA MATERIALIA
30 Ultralow-current magnetization switching in nearly compensated synthetic antiferromagnetic frames using sandwiched spin sources 2021-04-02 ACTA MATERIALIA
31 Control of the Half-Skyrmion Hall Effect and Its Application to Adder-Subtractor 2021-01-15 ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES
32 Control of the Half-Skyrmion Hall Effect and Its Application to Adder-Subtractor 2021-01-15 ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES
33 Partial solution for concomitant gradient field in ultra-low magnetic field: correction of distortion artifact 2020-09-20 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society
34 Distinct handedness of spin wave across the compensation temperatures of ferrimagnets 2020-09-01 NATURE MATERIALS
35 Uncertainty Minimization in Quantitative Electron Spin Resonance Measurement: Considerations on Sampling Geometry and Signal 2020-06-20 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society
36 Guiding of dynamic skyrmions using chiral magnetic domain wall 2020-06-01 Applied Physics Express
37 Growth of Graphene on the Cu(110) Surface 2020-05-08 Journal of Physical Chemistry C
38 ESR detection of optically-induced hyperpolarization of nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond 2020-03-20 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society
39 Existence of in-Plane Magnetic Skyrmion and its Motion under Current Flow 2019-12-24 Physical Review Applied
40 SQUID-based ultralow-field MRI of a hyperpolarized material using signal amplification by reversible exchange 2019-12-01 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
41 Moderate strain induced indirect bandgap and conduction electrons in MoS2 single layers 2019-12-01 NPJ 2D MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS
42 Deterministic switching of magnetization by chiral buckling 2019-09-26 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
43 Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization for benchtop NMR system using a permanent magnet of 1.56 T 2019-09-20 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society
44 Measuring the Magnetization from the Image of the Stripe Magnetic Domain 2019-09-16 Physical Review Applied
45 Dynamic nuclear polarisation of liquids at one microtesla using circularly polarised RF with application to millimetre resolution MRI 2019-08-01 JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE
46 Overhauser proton spin-echo magnetometer for magnetic fields below 1 μT 2019-08-01 METROLOGIA
47 Antiferromagnetic coupling of van der Waals ferromagnetic Fe3GeTe2 2019-03-26 NANOTECHNOLOGY
48 Two distinct cellular pathways leading to endothelial cell cytotoxicity by silica nanoparticle size 2019-02-05 JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY
49 Triangular and Sawtooth Magnetic Domains in Measuring the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction 2018-12-06 Physical Review Applied
50 A spin torque meter with magnetic facet domains 2018-12-01 Nature Communications
51 Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance with Nitrogen-Vacancy Spin Ensemble in Diamond 2018-06-20 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society
52 Evaluation Method for Fieldlike-Torque Efficiency by Modulation of the Resonance Field 2018-05-24 Physical Review Applied
53 Toward a magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography in ultra-low field: A direct magnetic resonance imaging method by an external alternating current 2018-04-11 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
54 Photoelectric Memory Effect in Graphene Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors Based on Dual Dielectrics 2018-02-21 ACS Photonics
55 Gas molecule sensing of van der Waals tunnel field effect transistors 2017-12-21 NANOSCALE
56 Solid State Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of 1H Nuclear Spins at 0.3 T and 4.2 K 2017-12-20 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society
57 Domain wall motion driven by an oscillating magnetic field 2017-02-23 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS
58 Control of Spin-Wave Refraction Using Arrays of Skyrmions 2016-12-30 Physical Review Applied
59 Skyrmion motion driven by oscillating magnetic field 2016-02-05 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
60 Silica nanoparticles inhibit brown adipocyte differentiation via regulation of p38 phosphorylation 2015-10-02 NANOTECHNOLOGY
61 Superconductors in SQUID-Based Ultralow Field NMR -- Flux-Trapping in Type-II Wires 2015-06-01 IEEE T APPL SUPERCON
62 Proton spin-echo magnetometer: a novel approach for magnetic field measurement in residual field gradient 2015-05-15 METROLOGIA
63 Dynamic nuclear polarization in the hyperfine-field-dominant region 2015-05-05 JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE
64 Magnetic bubblecade memory based on chiral domain walls 2015-03-16 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
65 Magnetic resonance imaging without field cycling at less than earth's magnetic field 2015-03-13 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
66 T1 Relaxation Measurement of Ex-Vivo Breast Cancer Tissues at Ultralow Magnetic Fields 2015-01-29 BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL

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