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No Title Date Journal
1 Development of Reference Material for Quality Control of Uranium Analysis in Marine Sediments 2023-08-11 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
2 Development of metal radioactive liquid reference material for proficiency test 2023-08-02 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
3 Proficiency test on the radioactivity measurement of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides in Korea 2023-01-12 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
4 Development of concrete reference material for quality assurance/quality control of gamma radioactivity measurement for nuclear power plant decommissioning waste 2022-12-01 Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
5 Development of FPGA-based coincidence module for TDCR counting system 2022-07-07 RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY
6 Bayesian inference on numbers of exposed hosts at final stage of infectious diseases: A case study on COVID-19 in South Korea 2022-06-15 International Journal on Infectious Disease and Epidemiology
7 Standardization of 129I using the 4πβ(LS)-γ(NaI(Tl)) coincidence counting method with a movable 3-PM β-counter 2022-01-01 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
8 Possibility of radioactivity measurement using an isothermal microcalorimeter 2021-11-04 JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
9 Effect of gamma window setting on activity measurement of 134Cs by 4πβ(LS)-γ coincidence method 2021-11-01 JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
10 Development of a movable 4πβ(LS)?γ coincidence counting system for activity standardization of β?γ emitters 2021-04-27 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
11 Design of optimal digital filter and digital signal processing for a CdZnTe high resolution gamma-ray system 2020-07-01 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
12 Distribution of 239,240Pu in marine products from the seas around the seas around the Korean Peninsula after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident 2020-02-04 Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
13 Locating events in a segment of a segmented HPGe detector at KRISS 2019-12-21 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B
14 우물형 감마검출기를 이용한 대기 낙진 중 극저준위 137Cs 측정 2019-05-28 한국환경분석학회지-JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS
15 Development of an automated system for radiochromic film analysis 2019-04-01 NUCL INSTRUM METH A
16 Activity standardization of 99mTc using liquid scintillation counting 2018-06-01 JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
17 Development of a position-sensitive CZT detector with coplanar grid electrode 2018-06-01 JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
18 Measurements of sealed radioactive sources by using isothermal microcalorimetry 2018-06-01 JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
19 Activity measurement of 222Rn gas for a key comparison 2018-04-02 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
20 Evaluation of abundance of artificial radionuclides in food products in South Korea and sources 2018-04-01 Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
21 Performance of a segmented HPGe detector at KRISS 2018-04-01 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
22 Distribution of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in northwest Mediterranean coastal sediments 2017-06-01 Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
23 Preparation of gaseous CRMs from the primary system for 222Rn activity measurement 2016-03-14 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
24 Clarification of the calculation of minimum detectable activity in low-level radioactivity measurements 2016-03-01 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
25 New method to incorporate Type B uncertainty into least-squares procedures in radionuclide metrology 2016-03-01 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
26 A preliminary study for the development of reference material using oyster for determination of 137Cs, 90Sr and plutonium isotopes 2016-03-01 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES

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