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No Title Date Journal
1 Characterizing and controlling infrared phonon anomaly of bilayer graphene in optical-electrical force nanoscopy 2023-11-24 LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS
2 Crystal structure search with principal invariants 2023-11-01 COMPUT PHYS COMMUN
3 Coupled harmonic oscillators model with two connected point masses for application in photo-induced force microscopy 2023-09-07 Nanophotonics
4 Effects of orbital selective dynamical correlation on the spin susceptibility and superconducting symmetries in Sr2RuO4 2023-06-21 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
5 Overcoming Charge Transfer Barriers via Electrostatically Stabilized CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals for Efficient Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 2023-04-15 Chemical Engineering Journal
6 Final report of CCQM-K157 for the measurement of the amount of substance of HfO expressed as the thickness of nm films 2023-03-31 METROLOGIA Tech. Suppl
7 Monitoring Hydrogen Transport through Graphene by Surface-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy 2023-01-28 NANOSCALE
8 Optical soldering of few-layer MoS2 for formation of photoluminescence bright defect structure 2022-11-04 ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
9 Quantitative analysis of photoinduced thermal force : surface and volume responses 2022-10-26 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
10 Advanced Hybrid Positioning System of SEM and AFM for 2D Material Surface Metrolog 2022-10-22 MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS
11 Tunable spin injection and detection across a van der Waals interface 2022-10-01 NATURE MATERIALS
12 Investigating heterogeneous defects in single-crystalline WS2 via tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy 2022-09-16 NPJ 2D MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS
13 Enhancing light pressure via localized surface plasmon resonance through randomly nickel nano-roughness 2022-09-15 APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
14 Subnanometer dextran analysis for biosensors using a tilt stage in atomic force microscopy 2022-09-01 PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS
15 Glass encapsulation of molecular doped epitaxial graphene for quantum resistance metrology 2022-08-25 MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
16 Mesoporous K-doped NiCo2O4 derived from a Prussian blue analog : high-yielding synthesis and assessment as oxygen evolution reaction catalyst 2022-08-17 RSC Advances
17 Structural Integrity Preserving and Residue-Free Transfer of Large-Area Wrinkled Graphene onto Polymeric Substrates 2022-06-06 ACS Nano
18 Gate-tuned gas molecule sensitivity of a two-dimensional semiconductor 2022-05-12 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
19 Density-Dependent Microstructures and Electromechanical Properties of Amorphous InGaZnO4 Semiconductors: An Ab Initio Study 2022-05-09 ACS Applied Electronic Materials
20 Microstructure and high-temperature mechanical properties of TP310HCbN welded joint 2022-05-01 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T
21 Identifying the Origin of Defect Induced Raman mode in WS2 Monolayer via Density Functional Perturbation Theory 2022-02-18 Journal of Physical Chemistry C
22 Advancement in fabrication of carbon nanotube tip for atomic force microscope using multi-axis nanomanipulator in scanning electron microscope 2022-02-01 NANOTECHNOLOGY
23 Room Temperature Cmcm Phase of CaxSn1?xSe for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion 2022-01-18 ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS
24 Analogous atomic and electronic properties between VN and VNCB defects in hexagonal boron nitride 2022-01-11 ADV COND MATTER PHYS
25 Intraband Spin-Dependent Recombination of Bound Holes in Silicon 2021-12-15 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
26 Direct probing of phonon mode specific electron-phonon scatterings in two- dimensional semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides 2021-12-01 Nature Communications
27 Design of Dual-Band Single-Layer Metasurfaces for Millimeter-Wave 5G Communication Systems 2021-10-26 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
28 Ab initio prediction of nontrivial topological band and superconductivity in stable metallic Si allotropes at ambient pressure 2021-10-14 PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS
29 Traceable quantitative analysis of AgxCu1-x alloy films by ID ICP-MS, RBS and MEIS 2021-09-21 METROLOGIA
30 Highly Efficient Experimental Approach to Evaluate Metal to 2D Semiconductor Interfaces in Vertical Diodes with Asymmetric Metal Contacts 2021-06-16 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
31 Crystal structure prediction in a continuous representative space 2021-06-15 COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE
32 Uncertainty in the mutual calibration method for the traceable thickness measurement of ultra-thin oxide films 2021-06-01 METROLOGIA
33 Theory of Light Scattering by a Circular Cylinder over a Planar Substrate: Normal Incidence 2021-06-01 CURRENT OPTICS AND PHOTONICS
34 Coexistence of two distinct fatigue failure mechanisms in Super304H welded joint at elevated temperatures 2021-05-28 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROST
35 Effect of the surface contamination layer on the thickness measurement of ultra-thin HfO2 films 2021-04-15 APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
36 Purcell-enhanced photoluminescence of few-layer MoS2 transferred on gold nanostructure arrays with plasmonic resonance at the conduction band edge 2021-03-14 NANOSCALE
37 Fabrication of plasmonic arrays of nanodisks and nanotriangles by nanotip indentation lithography and their optical properties 2021-02-28 NANOSCALE
38 Design of Single-Layer Metasurface Filter by Conformational Space Annealing Algorithm for 5G mm-Wave Communications 2021-02-12 IEEE Access
39 Tensile and fatigue properties of Super304H welded joint at elevated temperatures 2021-02-01 INT J FATIGUE
40 Scanning acoustic microscopy for material evaluation 2020-11-05 Applied Microscopy
41 Simulation of Structural Evolution Using Time-Dependent Density-Functional Based Tight-Binding Method 2020-11-01 JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
42 Strong enhancement of magnetic order from bulk to stretched monolayer FeSe as Hund’s metals 2020-10-01 NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS
43 Direct measurement of strain-driven Kekul? distortion in graphene and its electronic properties 2020-09-08 NANOSCALE
44 Direct Chemical Imaging of Ligand-Functionalized Single Nanoparticles by Photoinduced Force Microscopy 2020-07-16 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
45 Thermal dissociation of CO molecules and carbon incorporation on the Si(111)-(7x7) surface 2020-06-01 SURFACE SCIENCE
46 Thickness measurement of ultra-thin TiO2 films by mutual calibration method 2020-05-06 APPLIED SCIENCE AND CONVERGENCE TECHNOLOGY
47 Changes in the Photoluminescence of Monolayer and Bilayer Molybdenum Disulfide during Laser Irradiation 2020-04-03 ACS Omega
48 Realization of 5 h/e^2 with graphene quantum Hall resistance array 2020-03-04 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
49 Initial Ag adsorption on Si(5 5 12)-2 × 1 and its parasitic Si(7 7 17)-2 × 1 2020-03-02 SURFACE SCIENCE
50 Topological invariant prediction via deep learning 2020-03-01 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
51 Improvement of power conversion efficiency by a stepwise band-gap structure for silicon quantum dot solar cells 2020-02-25 NANOTECHNOLOGY
52 Traceable thickness measurement of ultra-thin HfO2 films by medium energy ion scattering spectroscopy 2020-02-01 METROLOGIA
53 Evaluation of Lateral Resolution for Confocal Raman Microscopy Using Gold Nano-lines Made by Electron Beam Lithography 2020-01-01 BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
54 Van der Waals Heteroepitaxy of Te Crystallites/2H-MoTe2 Atomically Thin Films on GaAs Substrates by Using Metal-Organic Chemical-Vapor Deposition 2020-01-01 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
55 Nanoscale spectroscopic origins of photoinduced tip-sample force in the midinfrared 2019-12-26 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
56 Spectroscopic studies of atomic defects and bandgap renormalization in semiconducting monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides 2019-12-01 Nature Communications
57 Simultaneous improvement in the strength and formability of commercially pure titanium via twinning-induced crystallographic texture control 2019-12-01 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
58 Advanced measurement and diagnosis of the effect on the underlayer roughness for industrial standard metrology 2019-12-01 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
59 Selective shape control of cerium oxide nanocrystals for photocatalytic and chemical sensing effect 2019-10-07 RSC Advances
60 Structural and electronic properties of boron-induced defects on the Si(001) surface 2019-10-04 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
61 Determining the Jahn-Teller stabilization energy of adatom vacancies on a Si(111)- 3 × 3:B surface 2019-09-03 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
62 In-plane band bending in hexagonal monolayer WS2 by edge polarization 2019-05-22 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
63 High efficiency Si quantum dot heterojunction solar cells using a single SiOX:B layer 2019-05-16 NANOTECHNOLOGY
64 Theory of Scalar Wave Scattering by a Planar Substrate Containing a Sphere 2019-05-01 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
65 Photo-Induced Force Microscopy by Using Quartz Tuning-Fork Sensor 2019-04-01 SENSORS
66 Changes in the Raman spectra of monolayer MoS2 upon thermal annealing 2018-12-17 JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY
67 Accurate Gap Determination in Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene/h-BN Moire Superlattices 2018-12-12 NANO LETTERS
68 Substructure imaging of heterogeneous nanomaterials with enhanced refractive index contrast by using a functionalized tip in photoinduced force microscopy 2018-12-01 LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS
69 Ultimate limit in size and performance of WSe2 vertical diodes 2018-12-01 Nature Communications
70 Theory of Scalar Wave Scattering by a Sphere and a Planar Substrate 2018-11-01 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
71 A position-controllable external stage for critical dimension measurements via low-noise atomic force microscopy 2018-11-01 ULTRAMICROSCOPY
72 Thickness-dependent magnetic domain structures of Co ultra-thin film investigated by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy 2018-11-01 Current Applied Physics
73 Electrical hysteresis of ultrathin silicon oxides induced by heavy boron doping 2018-10-28 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
74 Unveiling Defect-Related Raman Mode of Monolayer WS2 via Tip-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering 2018-10-23 ACS Nano
75 Electronic Structures of Strained InAs_xP_(1-x) by Density Functional Theory 2018-09-30 JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
76 Layer dependent magnetoresistance of vertical MoS2 magnetic tunnel junctions 2018-09-21 NANOSCALE
77 Tip-Enhanced Thermal Expansion Force for Nanoscale Chemical Imaging and Spectroscopy in Photoinduced Force Microscopy 2018-09-18 Analytical Chemistry
78 Synthesis of spherical Prussian blue with high surface area using acid etching 2018-08-01 Current Applied Physics
79 Magic Clusters of MoS2 by Edge S2 Interdimer Spacing Modulation 2018-05-17 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
80 Homogeneity and tolerance to heat of monolayer MoS2 on SiO2 and h-BN 2018-04-06 RSC ADV
81 Efficiency improvement of Si quantum dot solar cells by activation with boron implantation 2018-04-01 SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS
82 Magnetism on a Boron-doped Si(111)- √3×√3 Surface 2018-03-12 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
83 Quantitative analysis of Si1-x Gex alloy films by SIMS and XPS depth profiling using a reference material 2018-02-28 APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
84 Gas molecule sensing of van der Waals tunnel field effect transistors 2017-12-21 NANOSCALE
85 Self-heating-induced deterioration of electromechanical performance in polymer-supported metal films for flexible electronics 2017-12-01 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
86 Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Pristine Si Nanowires: Classical Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study 2017-10-02 Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
87 Template Synthesis of Nanoporous TiO2 Ceramic Using Bamboo charcoal 2017-10-01 JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
88 Structural and Vibrational Properties of Al2O3 under Stress 2017-09-26 JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
89 Asymmetric Electron-Hole Decoherence in Ion-Gated Epitaxial Graphene 2017-09-21 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
90 Anomalous Ambipolar Transport of Organic Semiconducting Crystals via Control of Molecular Packing Structures 2017-08-23 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
91 Creation of Optimal Frequency for Electrostatic Force Microscopy Using Direct Digital Synthesizer 2017-07-08 Applied Sciences-Basel
92 Fracture mechanism and electromechanical behavior of chemical vapor deposited graphene on flexible substrate under tension 2017-07-01 CARBON
93 Electrical Conductance Change of Graphene-Based Devices upon Surface Modification for Detecting Botulinum Neurotoxin 2017-06-06 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
94 Graphene bubbles and their role in graphene quantum transport 2017-05-14 NANOSCALE
95 Evaluating the reliability of the cylinder liner of a low-speed marine engine subjected to high-cycle fatigue with high mean stress 2017-04-01 Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
96 Stabilization of a Ga-adlayer structure with the zincblende stacking sequence in the GaN(0 0 0 -1) surface at the nanoscale 2017-02-21 NANOSCALE
97 Adsorption of CO molecules on the Si(111)-(7×7) surface 2017-02-01 SURFACE SCIENCE
98 Direct Probing of the Electronic Structures of Single-Layer and Bilayer Graphene with a Hexagonal Boron Nitride Tunneling Barrier 2017-01-12 NANO LETTERS
99 Ultraviolet responses of a heterojunction Si quantum dot solar cell 2017-01-02 NANOTECHNOLOGY
100 Band engineering of a Si quantum dot solar cell by modification of B-doping profile 2017-01-01 SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS
101 Origin of doping-induced suppression and reemergence of magnetism in LaFeAsO1-xHx 2016-12-15 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
102 Surface-sensitive measurement of dielectric screening via atom and electron manipulations 2016-11-16 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
103 Bimodal Control of Heat Transport at Graphene-Metal Interfaces Using Disorder in Graphene 2016-10-04 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
104 Anisotropy in twinning characteristics and texture evolution of rolling textured high purity alpha phase titanium 2016-10-01 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
105 Final Report of CCQM-K129 Measurement of mole fractions of Cu, In, Ga and Se in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Films 2016-09-01 METROLOGIA Tech. Suppl
106 Monolayer MoS2 Bandgap Modulation by Dielectric Environments and Tunable Bandgap Transistors 2016-07-05 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
107 Evaluation of carbon nanotube probes in critical dimension atomic force microscopes 2016-07-01 J MICRO-NANOLITH MEM
108 Ab initio materials design using conformational space annealing and its application to searching for direct band gap silicon crystals 2016-06-01 COMPUT PHYS COMMUN
109 Improved electrical properties of silicon quantum dot layers for photovoltaic applications 2016-06-01 SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS
110 General Theory of Scalar Wave Scattering by a Composite Particle, One Particle Imbedded in Another 2016-04-01 Journal of the Korean Physical Society
111 Intrinsic F?rster resonance Energy Transfer Imaging Technique for Detection of Native Protein in Live Cells 2016-01-22 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
112 Multiwalled carbon nanotube field emitter as an electron source for a microcolumn 2016-01-12 JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B
113 Charge Transport in Thick Reduced Graphene Oxide Film 2015-12-24 Journal of Physical Chemistry C
114 Composition and temperature dependent electronic structures of NiS2-xSex alloys : First-principles dynamical mean-field theory approach 2015-12-17 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
115 Deformation anisotropy and associated mechanisms in rolling textured high purity titanium 2015-12-05 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
116 Direct Imaging of an Order-to-disorder Transition in an Exchange-coupled CoO/Co Bilayer 2015-11-29 Journal of the Korean Physical Society
117 Vibrational Properties of h-BN and h-BN-Graphene Heterostructures Probed by Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy 2015-11-13 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
118 CCQM pilot study CCQM-P140: quantitative surface analysis of multi-element alloy films 2015-11-01 METROLOGIA Tech. Suppl
119 Shallow donor in natural MoS2 2015-10-21 Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters
120 Texture evolution of rolled Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy undergoing a {10-12} twinning dominant strain path change 2015-10-15 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
121 Identification of donor deactivation centers in heavily As-doped Si using time-of-flight medium energy ion scattering spectroscopy 2015-10-07 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
122 Whispering-gallery mode quantum resonators in graphene 2015-10-02 NPG ASIA MATER
123 Growth Mechanism of Highly Crystalline CdS Spheres with Grainy Surfaces 2015-09-22 JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
124 Deep-to-shallow level transition of Re and Nb dopants in monolayer MoS2 with dielectric environments 2015-09-21 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
125 A Facile Route for Patterned Growth of Metal-Insulator Carbon Lateral Junction through One-Pot Synthesis 2015-08-25 ACS Nano
126 A folding pathway model of mini-protein BBA5 2015-08-23 BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL
127 Anisotropic yielding behavior of rolling textured high purity titanium 2015-06-18 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROST
128 Transition of graphene oxide-coated fiber bundles from insulator to conductor by chemical reduction 2015-06-01 SYNTHETIC METALS
129 Abnormal texture evolution of rolled Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy containing initial {10-12} twins 2015-04-01 SCRIPTA MATERIALIA
130 Synthesis of Mesoporous Iron Oxide Particles Edge by using Prussian Blue 2015-04-01 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
131 Ultrahigh-resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography based on a linear-wavenumber spectrometer 2015-03-02 Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
132 Switching the Charge State of Individual Surface Atoms at Si(111)-√3 × √3:B Surfaces 2015-01-05 NANO LETTERS

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