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KRISS News & Events

2023 Fall Meetings of CCQM Bring Global Biometrology Experts to KRISS

  • Writerkrissadmin5
  • Date2023-11-13 09:00
  • Hits234

2023 Fall Meetings of CCQM Bring Global Biometrology Experts to KRISS

A poster of 2023 Fall Meetings of CCQM Biometrology Working Groups


The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science succesfully hosted the 2023 fall meetings of CCQM* Biometrology Working Groups from November 7th to 10th. It had been 17 years since KRISS last hosted the meetings in 2016. This was attributed to the enhanced status of Korean bio-industries and the outstanding measurement capabilities of KRISS.

* CCQM: Consultative Committee for Quantity of Matter operating under the authority of the 

                International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM)


As an international committee dedicated to promoting worldwide uniformity in units of measurement and directing metrological activities, CIPM manages ten Consultative Committees (CCs), including CCEM* and CCTF**. Among these committees, CCQM not only addresses critical international scientific and technological issues in areas such as chemistry, medicine, and bio-science, which are closely linked to the quality of human life, but also offers advice to CIPM.

* CCEM: Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism

** CCTF: Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency


This year’s meetings were the first face-to-face gathering in three years since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event attracted 125 bio-metrology experts from 21 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Germany.


Parallel sessions

On November 7th and 8th, the experts discussed the countermeasures for a new pandemic and the strategies for advanced bio-industries at the parallel sessions for CAWG*, NAWG**, and PAWG*** meetings. On November 9th, the joint biometrology session was held, aiming at integrating measurement technologies across fields to respond to the rapid development of the industry.


Dr. Sang Ryoul Park (left) demonstrating a CRM* lab to attendees

* CRM: Certified Reference Material


This gathering marked the first time all Working Groups convened in 10 years since the establishment of the Working Groups. On the last day, Novermber 10th, attendees participated in technical tours. Dr. Sang Ryoul Park from KRISS Biometrology Group, who has been serving as the President of CCQM since 2019 as well as a member of CIPM, expressed his expectation that hosting this meeting would further strengthen the status of KRISS, leading R&D for global bio-measurement standards.

* CAWG: Cell Analysis Working Group

** NAWG: Nucleic Acid Working Group

*** PAWG: Protein Analysis Working Group


Dr. Hyun-min Park delivering a congratulatory speech

As one of the founding member states of CCQM, KRISS has actively led international comparisons among standard institututions worldwide, proposing innovative approaches to bio-material measurement standards. Dr. Hyun-min Park, the President of KRISS, stated, "This event, where biometrology experts from global standard institutions converge, will be a crucial opportunity to create future measurement standards in the field of advanced bio."



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