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KRISS Attends the 2023 APMP Mid-Year Meeting Held in Mongolia

  • Writerkrissadmin5
  • Date2023-07-11 10:00
  • Hits270

KRISS Attends the 2023 APMP Mid-Year Meeting Held in Mongolia

- Dr. Hyun-min Park, the President of KRISS, presides over key meetings 

during APMP mid-year meeting as the new APMP Chairperson -

Group photo during the 2023 APMP* mid-year meeting (courtesy of MASM**)

  * APMP: Asia Pacific Metrology Programme

  ** MASM(Mongolian Agency for Standard and Metrology): NMI(National Metrology Institute) of Mongolia


The KRISS delegation led by Dr. Hyun-min Park, the president of KRISS, attended the 2023 APMP mid-year meeting held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 12th June to 16th June. It was the first face-to-face mid-year meeting in four years since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The APMP Chairperson, EC members, TC/FG/DEC* Chairs, DEC representatives, and PTB** MEDEA*** project managers attended the offline event, and some participants joined the meeting online.

  * TC: Technical Committee

    FG: Focus Group
    DEC: Developing Economies’ Committee

  ** PTB(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt): NMI of Germany

  *** MEDEA(Metrology-Enabling Developing Economies in Asia): Support Program funded by PTB for developement of measurement standards for Asian developing countries


Dr. Hyun-min Park officially assumed the position of APMP Chairperson following the APMP General Assembly(GA) 2022 held in Tokyo, Japan in November 2022. In his capacity as APMP Chairperson, he presided over key meetings such as the EC* meeting at this mid-year meeting in Mongolia.

  * EC: Executive Committee


The EC meeting


During the meeting, discussions were held on various topics: the remaining terms of EC members and TC/FG Chairs along with plans for election, a report on APMP finances, the progress of COVID-19 response program, preparations for this year's GA, selection of the venue for the next mid-year meeting, publication of newsletters, and transition of the APMP website.


In particular, the presentation on the e-learning online course related to Hybrid Comparison by Dr. Chu-shik Kang, a principal researcher from KRISS Length and Shape Standards Team, garnered significant interest from attendees. Developed under the leadership of Dr. Chu-shik Kang and the KRISS GMA Team at the request of the APMP Lead TC Chair, it showcased innovative insights. Furthermore, Dr. Byungjoo Kim, a principal researcher from KRISS Organic Metrology Team and the APMP TCQM Chair, delivered a presentation on “Korean Activities on Chemical Metrology for Food Safety and Related Activities in APMP” during the international symposium on 15th June.


Dr. Hyun-min Park had a meeting with Mr. Uuganbayar Bayarsaikhan, the Acting Chairman of MASM, along with directors in the fields of measurement standards at MASM. Throughout the discussion, Dr. Hyun-min Park addressed the current status of collaboration between the two institutes and explored opportunities for expanding cooperation. He made a commitment to continue and enhance collaboration with MASM.


On the last day of the event, MASM provided the KRISS delegation with an opportunity to review the traces of past collaboration through a lab tour. The delegation identified equipment related to time and frequencysuch as Rubidium Atom Clock, Frequency Counter, GPS Receiver Systemoffered by KRISS in 2011. Moreover, during the tour, the delegation discovered that equipment at MASM’s Electrical Research Lab maintains traceability through calibration by KRISS. Looking ahead, KRISS has plans to actively respond to any future requests from MASM for technical advice.


Equipment at MASM’s Time and Frequency Lab, provided by KRISS in 2011

Equipment at MASM’s Electrical Research Lab calibrated by KRISS, 

with certificate seals


With the success of the APMP mid-year meeting, it is expected to actively resume international cooperation among NMIs in the Asia-Pacific region in the post-pandemic era.


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