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KRISS News & Events

Change in 2,710 days - KRISS website has been renovated!

  • Writerkrissadmin
  • Date2021-09-30 00:00
  • Hits1740

Change in 2,710 days - KRISS website has been renovated !


The website of the Korea Research Institute of Standards and science opened to the public on Thursday, September 30 after completing its renovation in about eight years, 2,710 days since May 2014.


그림입니다. 원본 그림의 이름: CLP000025700f24.bmp 원본 그림의 크기: 가로 1200pixel, 세로 1638pixel

Since March 2021, KRISS has carried out homepage reorganization activities such as opinion surveys of all employees, operation of Task Force Team, and development of promotional content by department.


What’s new about the reorganized website of KRISS? 


Enhancing access to the website

Users' access routes are gradually diversifying from PC to tablets and mobile. The reorganized website has applied a responsive web which optimizes the screen according to various access devices so that users can use it anytime, anywhere through a convenient route.

그림입니다. 원본 그림의 이름: CLP000025700001.bmp 원본 그림의 크기: 가로 1242pixel, 세로 2062pixel


The menu structure has also been completely reorganized. Through statistical analysis of visitors, frequently used menus and routes were identified, and the overall menu composition and design were improved by utilizing them. Design improvement considering user-centered UI/UX planning and aesthetics has further increased convenience of use and content concentration.

Expanding introduction of research activities


In 2019, KRISS extensivefly reorganized itself into mre than 70 team-based units in order to improve R&D efficiency. In order to deliver the research activities and results of each group and team in more detail, the introduction page has been reorganized into group/team centered way.


Customized website

Quick Menu, which categorizes frequently visited menus by overseas visitors, such as calibration, test, and certification reference material services and GMA (Global Metrology Academy), has been placed at the bottom of the main to further enhance customer access. In the future, we plan to periodically analyze visit statistics and flexibly adjust the preferred menu.


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