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KRISS News & Events

KRISS celebrated World Metrology Day 2018

  • Writerkrissadmin
  • Date2018-05-17 00:00
  • Hits253

KRISS celebrated World Metrology Day 2018



KRISS celebrated World Metrology Day by organizing a ceremony event on May 17. The theme of the ceremony was "the international system of units, its unending evolution."


The celebration event began with an musical performance of the acoustic band 'Lacomma'. And the performance was followed by an awards ceremony. KRISS selected a total of eight people and delivered internal and external awards.


President Sang-Ryoul Park delivered a speech on the meaning of World Metrology Day and sharing future direction of KRISS.


KRISS presented a special video entitled "Finding Unchanging Units" to inform the public of the significance of the SI unit and the redefinition of the SI unit.


World Measurement Day celebrates the signature by representatives of seventeen nations of the Meter Convention on 20 May 1875.


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