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KRISS News & Events

President of INMETRO visits KRISS

  • Writerkrissadmin
  • Date2018-08-31 00:00
  • Hits312

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Prof. Carlos Augusto de Azevedo, the President of INMETRO (Instituto Nacional de Metrología, Qualidade e Tecnologia) and its director of International Cooperation visited KRISS on August 31.

KRISS and INMETRO have collaborated on the exchange of technical information, nanometrology, and other fields of mutual interest since the MoU between KRISS and INMETRO in 2011, and for further cooperation they discussed the renewal of this MoU in this meeting. Also, they discussed how to actively enhance the research cooperation between institutes and then visited three laboratories in KRISS, which are the center for optical metrology, electromagnetic metrology and Watt Balance team.

Based on the visit in August, KRISS and INMETRO signed the MoU on November 14 during the 26th CGPM and agreed to widen the cooperation including the areas of life science.



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