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KRISS News & Events

“KRISS Virtual Labs” to Promote Open Research in the Era of New Normal

  • Writerkrissadmin
  • Date2020-09-03 00:00
  • Hits581

“KRISS Virtual Labs” to Promote Open Research in the Era of New Normal 사진1

“KRISS Virtual Labs” have been launched as a solution to travel restriction due to COVID-19 Pandemic. Beyond the limitation of time and space, it enables to promote cooperation with various institutes remotely.


On September 3 in 2020, KRISS held a launching ceremony for “KRISS Virtual Labs” in response to the demands on the remote research environment due to the persistent COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual Labs literally mean virtual-reality labs, which are not limited by space and time. KRISS plans to build “Virtual Labs” as a new platform to enable its researchers to collaborate with renowned experts in Korea and overseas anytime and anywhere through data sharing.


After a thorough evaluation, the nine teams, specializing in bio-science, semiconductor, and materials, were selected as the first “KRISS Virtual Labs”. They conduct research through remote networking activities such as the video conference system and cloud services.


KRISS has invited outside experts, including professors from some prominent universities such as University of Cambridge and Purdue University, as heads of Virtual Labs. KRISS will continue its efforts to meet the goal of improving research efficiency and excellence by encouraging Virtual Labs until the end of 2022.


Although this Virtual Labs Program was launched as an alternative collaboration model to exisitng offline collaborative research, it is expected to be a key role in problem-solving through non-face-to-face research without any restrictions of time or space in the era of new normal.

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