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Radiation Measurement Technology Prevents ‘Nuclear Emergencies’

  • Writerkrissadmin5
  • Date2023-10-10 10:00
  • Hits422

Radiation Measurement Technology Prevents ‘Nuclear Emergencies’

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS, President Hyun-min Park) has embarked on a mission to enhance the emergency preparedness and response capabilities of member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for nuclear and radiological accidents.

▲ KRISS Radioactivity Metrology Team

In late May, KRISS successfully completed the development of educational materials designed to prepare and respond to emergencies, such as the Fukushima Nuclear Accident, for the benefit of 10 ASEAN member countries. Consisting of three instructional videos and two handbooks on radioactivity measurement, the materials are aimed at facilitating rapid responses to nuclear or radiological emergencies.

▲ Handbooks on Radioactivity Measurement

To effectively manage nuclear and radiological accidents, there is an urgent need for trained personnel and infrastructure capable of producing and analyzing environmental radioactivity measurement data not only swiftly but also accurately. ASEAN countries, including the Philippines and Vietnam, are expanding the use of nuclear energy by planning to build nuclear power plants. Although the countries possess different levels of technology development and related infrastructure, they share common development needs and issues. Capacity building of experts can fill the gap in advancement and contribute to solving their common problems.

These educational materials were developed in response to a request for cooperation from the RCA* Regional Office (RCARO), established under the auspices of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

 * RCA: Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology for Asia and the Pacific

▲ Instructional Video of Analysis Procedure

As one of the partner countries collaborating with the ASEAN Network of Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy (ASEANTOM), Korea has been actively involved in various joint initiatives aimed at enhancing nuclear safety in the ASEAN region.

Since the 2010s, the Global Metrology Academy (GMA) of KRISS has been providing education on precise measurement of radiation to standards organizations in developing countries including those in ASEAN. Given its experience in creating instructional videos for training emergency responders, KRISS was chosen as a partner in the RCA's project to strengthen radioactivity emergency preparedness and response capabilities in ASEAN.

The educational materials recently distributed to the 10 ASEAN countries were developed based on KRISS’s expertise in radiation measurement education and further refined with input from domestic experts in environmental radiation analysis. These materials comprehensively cover procedures for environmental sampling, pre-processing, analysis, and data generation in the event of a radiological accident. Handbooks are structured to guide workers through the necessary steps, and key contents are presented in video format to enhance practical usability.

Dr. Byoung-Chul Kim, a senior researcher from Radioactivity Metrology Team of KRISS, stated, "Korea realized the importance of readily deployable experts in environmental radioactivity during emergencies following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in 2012. Through the development of these educational materials, our goal is to transfer Korea’s outstanding radiation measurement capabilities to ASEAN countries."

In August, KRISS invited the related organizations to Korea and hosted training sessions for them, as part of its ongoing efforts to foster expertise in environmental radiation measurement within the ASEAN region.


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