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Particulate Matter Penetrates Deeper Into Atopic Skin

  • Writer관리자
  • Date2021-07-27 00:00
  • Hits13779

Particulate Matter Penetrates Deeper Into Atopic Skin 

- Particulate Matter in Skin Tissues Directly Measured Using Nonlinear Optical Imaging System -

- Expected to Boost Development of Medicinal Products and Cosmetics Related to Particulate Matter -

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science* (KRISS, President Hyun-Min Park) and the Amorepacific R&D Center (Director Young-ho Park) developed a technique of directly measuring particulate matter in human skin tissues.

* Bio-imaging Team of the Safety Measurement Institute, Gas Metrology Group of the Division of Chemical and Biological Metrology


The joint research team proved that particulate matter penetrates deeper into human skin with atopic dermatitis and accelerates inflammation. The detailed analysis of particulate matter will serve as a valuable reference for future studies on the reactions that occur after the penetration of particulate matter into the skin.


그림입니다. 원본 그림의 이름: 그림1.jpg 원본 그림의 크기: 가로 1100pixel, 세로 1065pixel

▲ The nonlinear optical imaging system analyzes the distribution of particulate matter on human skin at the molecular level without requiring any special pretreatment. Keratin is shown in green and particulate matter in yellow.  


The emission of particulate matter, an air pollutant, is a serious social problem. High concentrations of particulate matter have been identified as a cause of respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases. While extensive research has been conducted on the detrimental effects of particulate matter that enters the respiratory system, few studies on the harmfulness of particulate matter on skin have been reported.


Previously, bright field microscopes and transmission electron microscopes were used to examine particulate matter in human tissues. However, they require pretreatment of skin samples, and accurate analysis was difficult as all black particles were assumed to be particulate matter.


The joint research team employed nonlinear optical imaging, and succeeded in observing particulate matter in skin tissues without pretreatment processes.


? The nonlinear optical imaging system allows selective imaging of carbon molecule bonds, a key constituent of particulate matter. In addition, the team conducted an intuitive analysis of the distribution of particulate matter in skin tissues through the visualization of collagen and elastin.


The observations indicate that the penetration of particulate matter deepens with severe skin damage, worsening inflammation.


그림입니다. 원본 그림의 이름: 슬라이드3.JPG 원본 그림의 크기: 가로 960pixel, 세로 720pixel

▲ The nonlinear optical imaging system analyzes the distribution of particulate matter on human skin at the molecular level without requiring any special pretreatment. Keratin is shown in green and particulate matter in yellow.  

Se-hwa Kim, principal research scientist at the Safety Measurement Institute of KRISS, said, “We were able to visualize particulate matter in human skin tissues using KRISS’ nonlinear optical imaging system. Our findings on the level of penetration of particulate matter will be useful for the development of skin medical cosmetics.


Based on this study, the team plans to conduct follow-up research on the phototoxic effects of nanomaterials on human skin.


The results were published in the online version of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF: 4.556) in May.


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