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Detecting Damages of Aerospace Composites with ‘Optical Fiber Sensing Neural Networks’

  • Writer관리자
  • Date2017-03-07 00:00
  • Hits11645

Detecting Damages of Aerospace Composites with ‘Optical Fiber Sensing Neural Networks’
- KRISS Develops Optical Fiber Sensing Neural Network Technology -

The KRISS team led by Dr. Il-bum Kwon has developed the world’s first ‘optical fiber sensing neural network technology’, utilizing the independently developed optical fiber BOCDA* sensor system and aluminum-coated optical fibers. This technology is able to solve the difficulties in detecting impact damage of composite materials.

* Brillouin Optical Correlation Domain Analysis(BOCDA): A sensor operation method to identify the unique Brillouin frequency of an optical fiber at an arbitrary position


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