About Group
Electromagnetic Wave Metrology Group establishes national measurement standards for fundamental measurements of electromagnetic waves, including power, impedance, attenuation, RF voltage, noise, pulses, antenna characteristics, field strength, and material parameters of electromagnetic fields, covering a frequency range from sub-kHz to 1 THz. We also disseminate measurement standards and develop measurement technologies in related fields.
Building on these measurement standards and technologies, we focus on disseminating technologies required in national strategic technology areas such as next-generation communication, semiconductors, and aerospace to industries, academia, and research institutions. These research activities contribute to the sustainable development of our economy and the improvement of the citizens’ quality of life.
Current R&D Projects
1 Development of electromagnetic wave measurement standards and foundational measurement technologies
2 Development of next-generation communication measurement standards/technologies and standardization activities
3 Development and industry dissemination of semiconductor RF characteristic measurement standards and technologies
4 Development of space and aerospace radio frequency measurement and application technologies
Recent R&D Highlights
- Establishment of impedance measurement standards for sub-THz band (110 GHz to 220 GHz)
- Establishment of electric field strength measurement standards based on electro-optics for K-band (18 GHz to 26.5 GHz)
- Expansion of frequency range for electromagnetic wave power calibration services (up to 110 GHz)
- Next-generation communication standardization: Contribution to ITU-R on material constants and human-blocking wave propagation channels
- Development of robot-based measurement system and antenna measurement platform for next-generation communication
- Development of AI-based next-generation communication electromagnetic wave measurement and application technologies (named among Korea’s top 100 R&D achievements)
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