About Group
Atomic Quantum Sensing Group conducts research on the devolpment of time and frequency standards, atomic quantum sensing and measurement, and atomic quantum computing technologies.
Building upon atomic quantum measurement technology, we aim to contribute to the upcoming redefinition of the SI second by developing highly precise optical clocks. Additionally, our research on quantum sensing and quantum simulator technologies will drive advancements in national quantum science and technology. Through these research endeavors, we expect to play a vital role not only in developing national industries, such as the quantum technology industry, major advanced industries, as well as defense and aerospace industries, but also in improving citizens' lives and overall safety.
Current R&D Projects
- 1 Research on development of optical clocks for the next-generation time and frequency standards
- 2 Research on quantum gravity and gravity gradient sensing based on atomic interferometry
- 3 Research on compact optical clocks and optical frequency synthesis
- 4 Research on quantum simulator technology based on a ultracold atom quantum platforms
Recent R&D Highlights
- Development of highly precise optical clocks with an accuracy level of 10-17
- Development of a world’s top-tier quantum gravimeter and gravity gradiometer
- Development of compact optical clocks and optical frequency synthesizers
- Development of a quantum simulator based on a ultracold atom quantum platform
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