About Group
About Group
Quantum Magnetic Sensing Group investigates quantum physical properties and explores industrial applications by developing high-sensitivity quantum magnetic sensors and high-precision magnetic metrology.
Our sensing technology enables quantum magnetic imaging with a spatial resolution from millimeter to nanometer and with a temporal resolution down to femtosecond. We establish various infrastructures for measuring spin-based quantum properties, aiming for the international standardization of quantum magnetic metrology.
Current R&D Projects
High-sensitivity room-temperature quantum magnetic sensors
(Diamond nitrogen-vacancy, Optically pumped magnetometer) - 2 High-purity single-crystal diamond growth
- 3 High-resolution magnetic field imaging technology
- 4 Measurement technology for spin dynamics/imaging
- 5 Convergent measurement technology for spin property and imaging
- 6 Control technology for spin property
Recent R&D Highlights
- Quantum diamond sensor capable of simultaneous measurement of magnetic field and temperature in real time
- Quantum magnetic field imaging of current flow inside electronic devices
- Hyperpolarized nanoparticles for biomedical MRI toward in vivo diagnostics
- Measurement of the left-handed precession dynamics of quasi-ferrimagnetic materials, proposed only theoretically in the 1960s
- Computational modeling and proposal of a new concept device in which memory and neuromorphic information processing can be simultaneously implemented in MTJ devices using spin-orbit torque
- Development of a method to control the growth of half-skyrmion states with characteristics similar to skyrmions
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