About Group
Acoustics, Ultrasound, and Vibration Metrology Group is establishing, expanding, and disseminating national measurement standards not only for fundamental measurement quantities related to acoustics(sound pressure), vibration(vibration amplitude), and ultrasound(acoustic power) but also for the properties of the transmission media.
We have also developed measurement infrastructure and applied technologies to meet national and industrial demands.
Based on these fundamental and applied technologies, we conduct research to propel advanced industries for the future as well as support key national industries and public sectors that utilize measurement infrastructure.
Current R&D Projects
1 Establishment and maintenance/improvement of the national standard system for acoustics, vibration, and ultrasound measurements
2 Establishment of a dissemination system for measurement standards in related fields as well as provision of calibration and testing services
3 Development of novel measurement technologies and standards to meet new national/industrial demands
4 Research on advanced industries for future, including applications of AI, multimedia, medical technology, and sensors.
Recent R&D Highlights
- Development of optical measurement technology for absolute sound pressure
- Development of a new acoustic signal data format for machine learning and applied technology for AI
- Enhancement of small-array-based sound source tracking technology
- Establishment of a measurement standard based on a 300 W high-power ultrasound transducer
- Development of foundational technology to overcome limits of acoustic and vibration measurements based on meta-structures
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