Division of Physical Metrology Researchers

About Group
Photometry and Radiometry Metrology Group is dedicated to establishing national measurement standards for two SI base units―luminous intensity (cd) and temperature (K) based on radiation measurements―as well as for other units used in optical properties and optical communication. We also conduct research on developing and disseminating measurement standards and technologies in the wide field of optical radiometry.
Based on these measurement standards and technologies, we provide calibration, testing, and performance evaluation services for national industries such as lighting and optical communication. Additionally, we develop and disseminate core measurement standard technologies required in advanced industries, including Earth observation, defense, advanced materials, displays, quantum cryptography, and quantum sensors.
Current R&D Projects
1 Development of supporting technology for enhancing reliability of satellite observation
2 Development of measurement technology for optical properties in response to advanced materials
3 Development of fundamental technology utilizing quantum physics for future defense
4 Development of core measurement technology related to photonics industries
Recent R&D Highlights
- Establishment of world-class spectral responsivity scale for visible rays
- Establishment of world-class three-dimensional light scattering measurement standards in the visible to near-infrared range
- Establishment of temperature scales based on a 650 nm absolute radiation thermometer
- Development of image correction technology of national satellites for infrared Earth observations
- Establishment of quantum testing service procedures for quantum cryptographic optical systems
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