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번호 논문제목 저자 게재년월 게재지
1 Resolving anomalous renormalization of a microwave-dressed weakly anharmonic superconducting qubit. 안병무,Sercan Deve,Gary A. Steele 2023-11-09 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
2 One-lead single-electron source with charging energy 조성운,박완기,김범규,서민기,박동성,최형국,김남,심흥선,배명호 2022-11-28 NANO LETTERS
3 Gate-voltage-induced reversible electrical phase transitions in Mo0.67W0.33Se2 devices 김민식,최동환,이인호,김우신,권두혁,배명호,김주진 2022-10-25 NANOSCALE
4 Tuning current plateau regions in parallelized single-electron pumps 김범규,유병성,박석인,송진동,김남,배명호 2022-10-01 AIP ADVANCES
5 Impact of the gate geometry on adiabatic charge pumping in InAs double quantum dots 배명호,안성진,이명재,송만석,Morten H. Madsen,Jesper Nyg?rd,Christian Schonenberger,Andreas Baumgartner,서정필,정민경 2022-08-11 Nanoscale Advances
6 On-Chip Microwave Frequency Combs in a Superconducting Nanoelectromechanical Device 신정현,류영훈,Mohammad-Ali Miri,심승보,최형순,Andrea Alu,서준호,차진웅 2022-07-13 NANO LETTERS
7 Cryogenic voltage sampling for arbitrary RF signals 김민식,김범규,김어진,최형국,김주진,배명호 2022-06-30 Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
8 Nanoscale Electrical Probes on a Single Facet of a ZnO Microwire: Device Fabrication and Local Electrical Characteristics 김학성,Dong Hoon Shin,Yoojoo Yun,Jun Hee Choi,Hyunjeong Jeong,Dongseok Suh,Haeyong Kang,Sang Wook Lee 2022-05-13 ACS Applied Electronic Materials
9 Indium-contacted van der Waals gap tunneling spectroscopy for van der Waals layered materials 최동환,민경아,홍석륜,김범규,배명호,김주진 2021-09-07 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
10 Gate-tunable quantum dot formation between localized-resonant states in a few-layer MoS2 김범규,최동환,유병성,김민수,Kenji Watanabe,Takashi Taniguchi,김주진,배명호 2021-05-07 NANOTECHNOLOGY
11 Tunneling spectroscopy for electronic bands in multi-walled carbon nanotubes with van der waals gap 최동환,이승미,정두원,이정오,하동한,배명호,김주진 2021-04-07 MOLECULES
12 Superconducting Nanoelectromechanical Transducer Resilient to Magnetic Fields 차진웅,김학성,김지환,심승보,서준호 2021-02-24 NANO LETTERS
13 Origins of genuine Ohmic van der Waals contact between indium and MoS2 김범규,최동환,김태형,김한울,Kenji Watanabe,Takashi Taniguchi,노희석,김주진,김용훈,배명호 2021-01-08 NPJ 2D MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS
14 Landscape of Charge Puddles in Graphene Nanoribbons on Hexagonal Boron Nitride 마이야메이 야샤르,신재철,Kenji Watanabe,Takashi Taniguchi,배명호 2020-07-14 PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS
15 Precision current measurement with thermal-drift-minimized offset current for single-parameter electron pumps based on gate-switching technique 김범규,박석인,송진동,최형국,김완섭,김남,배명호 2020-04-01 AIP ADVANCES
16 Current-reversal operation for a single-parameter electron pump by control of semiconductor-based cryo-switch gate potentials 유병성,배명호,김범규,박석인,송진동,최형국,조성운,김주진,김완섭,김남 2019-10-01 AIP ADVANCES
17 Energy dissipation in van der Waals 2D devices Zhun-Yong Ong,배명호 2019-06-06 2D MATERIALS
18 The interplay between Zeeman splitting and spin-orbit coupling in InAs nanowires 김범규,Sang-Jun Choi,Jae Cheol Shin,Minsoo Kim,안예환,H.-S. Sim,Ju-Jin Kim,배명호 2018-12-28 NANOSCALE
19 Accurate Gap Determination in Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene/h-BN Moire Superlattices 김학성,N. Leconte,B. Chittar,K. Watanab,T. Taniguc,A. H. Mac,정재일,정수용 2018-12-12 NANO LETTERS
20 Ultimate limit in size and performance of WSe2 vertical diodes 나지르 가잔팔,김학성,서준호,엄종화,정수용,김지환,김경수,외부,파룩칸,이동수,황준연,황찬용 2018-12-01 Nature Communications
21 Strong Two-Mode Parametric Interaction and Amplification in a Nanomechanical Resonator 조성완,조성운,조명래,서준호,박희철,김상군,심승보,박윤 2018-06-14 Physical Review Applied
22 Band modulation and in situ doping control of carbon-nanotube field-effect transistors by work-function engineering 최동환,정두원,이정오,배명호,김주진 2018-04-01 CARBON
23 Energy dissipation mechanism revealed by spatially resolved Raman thermometry of graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructure devices 김대희,김한울,윤완수,Kenji Wata,Takashi Taniguchi4,노희석,배명호 2018-02-12 2D MATERIALS
24 Investigation of thermomechanical motion in a nanomechanical resonator based on optical intensity mapping 조성완,김상군,홍기민,심승보,조명래,조성운,박윤 2017-11-10 Journal of the Korean Physical Society
25 Nanoscale Structural Switching of Plasmonic Nanograin Layers on Hydrogel Colloidal Monolayers for Highly Sensitive and Dynamic SERS in Water with Areal Signal Reproducibility 김학성,Ji Eun Son,이상욱,조은철 2017-11-07 Analytical Chemistry
26 Protocol for maximising light signal of metallic magnetic calorimeters for neutrinoless double beta decay search 오승윤,김건보,김혜림,김인욱,김소라,이혜진,이민규,김용함 2017-07-06 Superconductor science and technology
27 Graphene bubbles and their role in graphene quantum transport 김학성,Leconte,N.,김호종,하동한,K.Watanabe,T.Taniguch,정재일,정수용 2017-05-14 NANOSCALE
28 Van-der-Waals-gap tunneling spectroscopy for single-wall carbon nanotubes 최동환,배명호,김주진,장승훈,정두원,이정오,장현주,하동한,이승미,김종우,서영덕 2017-03-01 CARBON
29 Accurate and Precise Determination of Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nitride Beam Nanoelectromechanical Devices 김학성,신동훈,이상욱 2017-03-01 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
30 Positive magnetoconductance and dephasing in strongly localized black phosphorus 이태호,황의헌,최중범,배명호 2016-10-19 Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters
31 Electrical and Thermoelectric Transport by Variable Range Hopping in Thin Black Phosphorus Devices 최선재,김범규,이태호,김윤호,Zuanyi Li,Eric Pop,김주진,송종현,배명호 2016-07-13 NANO LETTERS
32 Development of Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters with a Critical Temperature Switch 김소라,이민규,오승윤,E Sala,소중호,윤원식,김용함,최준호,조현석,강찬석,김건보,김혜림,김인욱,이혜진,이주희 2016-07-01 J LOW TEMP PHYS
33 Catalyst-free heteroepitaxial growth of very long InAs nanowires on Si 황정우,김범규,이상준,배명호,신재철 2015-09-01 Current Applied Physics
34 Bright visible light emission from graphene 김영덕,김학성,조유진,류지훈,박승남,유용심,배명호,박윤 2015-08-06 Nature Nanotechnology
35 Precision measurement of a potential-profile tunable single-electron pump 배명호,안예환,서민기,정윤철,JD Fletche,SP Giblin,M Kataoka,김남 2015-02-05 METROLOGIA

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